Thursday, 30 July 2020

Introduction to Measurement/Abbreviations

Today Room to put the measurements in order and next to it is the short version.

W.A.L.T Abbreviate Measurements

Monday, 20 July 2020


W.A.L.T: Have productive conversation
Today room made a poster about what makes a good discussion. why we had to do it was because we are doing literacy circle, we are each in groups ( our reading groups ) and in my group was Kloe, Matais, Lexi and Brody.

Thursday, 2 July 2020


Here I have Jesus and i had to make but I out lined it so here it is:
here is the one i out lined                                                                                 here is the normal one 


Today checked out Paityns blog  and i commented and said:

Hi Paityn
I like this brownie recipe. I should try and make it.
I have made chocolate cake its the same thing ( I think ).
Have you made brownies before?
Ka Pai